Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Graduation Day!

Mackenzie graduated from her preschool class yesterday. She was all decked out in her dress (thank you, Hannah!), curly hair thanks to sponge rollers and graduation cap. As she got dressed this morning, she tried out the "twirly-ness" of the dress and said to me, "Mommy, I bet all the girls will look pretty today." I readily agreed with her. She then went on to ask, "Mommy . . . how come you don't look pretty today?"

Ah, nothing like the honesty of a child to keep us humble. Amen?

I'm sure she meant to say, "how come you're not wearing a dress with crinoline underneath like me?"

Anyway, speaking of looking pretty, check out these girls below! Have you ever seen such beauty in one room?

Here's one of my favorite photos . . . obviously, the pomp and circumstance was lost on one student in particular. It just so happens to be my child. Of course. (That would be the child to the left of the young man in the red shirt. She's the one bent over in her seat looking at the ground. What the photo doesn't show is the stomping on her diploma she continued to do throughout the ceremony. I'm also hoping she learns to sit like a lady by the time we repeat this during her senior year in high school.

One can only hope.


  1. LOL at why aren't you pretty! Hannah wore the same dress for her graduation. She and Rachel had matching dresses and she got Rachel's. How funny!

  2. That is hilarious! She stomped on her diploma :) And beauty to a child.

  3. Congrats, Kenz! : ) Aunt Happi, Uncle Jerry and the boys are very proud of you!
