Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Few Reasons To Love the Start of Summer . . .

The strawberries this year ROCK!! I nearly ate an entire pint yesterday by myself. And don't EVEN get me started on how they taste when you turn them into jam . . .

Here, Nanna gives a few pointers to Thing 2. Gotta love an afternoon at Nanna and Papa Dean's house!

Notice how Cassidy looks excited and ready for action. (kidding) I'm thinking that Mackenzie needs a few tips on how to pitch the ball.

I love the yearly reappearance of the roses on the bushes that once lived in Poppop's yard. Every time I look at the "D.K. Meyer" sign that once hung outside of his home, I wonder if he's shaking his head-thinking how crazy we were to dig the bushes up in the first place.

I'm so glad that we did.

Some days, it's a good reminder of the blessings that come with new seasons in life.


  1. That jam looks simply divine. : ) Sorry we missed the baseball game. What fun!

    Love you guys,

  2. I love the start of summer and those strawberries look so yummy!

  3. Seeing that jam reminds me I still have freezer jam left, yum. But then that leads to lots of consumption of bread and butter with it, and my spare tire does not need to grow anymore.
